Data Protection Policy


Data Protection Notice ACCORDING TO ART. 13 GDPR

Title of the project/study/event: TREC

Dear participant,

You are invited to participate in a study/workshop/event. Before you decide to participate in this study, take sufficient time to read this information sheet carefully and discuss this with other people.

Please take time to ask questions if there are any uncertainties or if you require additional information. This process is called “informed consent”. Once you have decided to participate in the study, you will be asked to sign the consent form at the end of this information sheet.


TREC is the first continent-wide project to study coastal ecosystems and their response to the environment. Our seas and coasts host an extremely rich diversity of life and play critical roles in the stability and sustainability of wider ecosystems. However, anthropogenic interferences are leading to accelerated loss of species’ genetic diversity and destruction of functional ecosystems. By sampling along the entire European coast, the TREC expedition will provide a richer and deeper understanding of how ecosystems respond to natural and human-made challenges.


You were selected and asked/invited to participate in this study. National partners and their contact networks chose a selection of stakeholders that would be best suited for this setting and research questions in terms of experience and expertise.

We consider you a valuable part of this project as your willingness to share your expertise and experience is critical for the output of the project and for supporting the harmonization process for existing data and methodologies meeting your needs.

During this workshop we will inform you about the S4GES project and during this workshop the main objective is to take the knowledge acquired so far to the next step by proposing a series of activities that could be financed through the launch of international calls and/or through funds made available via the redirection of dedicated MSFD monitoring budgets at national level

  1. THE DATA CONTROLLER of the processing operation is HCMR
  2. YOUR PERSONAL DATA is processed in accordance with Regulation (EU) 679/2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data.
  3. THE PURPOSE(S) OF THIS PROCESING are: to register and manage participation of selected persons to the event/study, in accordance with EU data protection regulations; to circulate the list of participants among the partners, to include the list of participants in the reports of the event and in the project reports submitted to the EC; to be invited to further events.
  4. THE FOLLOWING OF YOUR PERSONAL DATA are collected: name, organisation/employer, country represented, contact details (such as e-mail address).

Please note that the event may be partly Web-streamed  and it is possible that you will be recorded. It is also possible that photographs of you will be taken during the event and might be used for related communication purposes

Furthermore it is important to understand that to present our activities as transparently and as comprehensively as possible to the financial funders and the public, selected “TREC” activities are documented in sound and vision.

  1. CONSENT AND REFUSAL – Your participation in this study is entirely free and voluntary. You can refuse to complete eventual questions and you are free to withdraw from this study interview at any time, without having to justify your decision.

I hereby agree that the film, sound and photo recordings, as well as any contributions in written form such as but not limited to comments in the Q&A and chat-section of the online video call tool used in the workshop (“the material”), on which I or my contribution to the event may appear in sound and vision or in written form, may be used by the coordinator of the project for statutory purposes, in particular for non-commercial scientific purposes, for editorial purposes and for public relations purposes in print products, on websites and in social media, however without making connections between my personal data and my views and opinions.

I am aware that it is possible in any moment for any participant to record the material as a picture via screenshot. In the case of a revocation of my consent to a publication, “TREC” cannot exclude the possibility that my image may be used by third parties despite the deletion from the “TREC” website or from social media. This also applies to the material that have been passed on to third parties within the scope of this declaration of consent.

“TREC” may pass on the material to third parties only for non-commercial scientific purposes, for editorial reporting in connection with research activities or events of “TREC”, excluding all personal data.

I consent that my contact details (First and Last Name, Organization, Country represented and e-mail) being included in the list of participants and seen by the meeting participants and the collected data (images, videos, evaluation forms, questionnaires etc.) also will be used to reporting to EU Commission in S4GES‟ reports.

I have been informed that I can revoke/withdraw my consent under this agreement at any time and without giving reasons (according to art. 7 GDPR). The revocation refers to future uses only. The contact partner for the revocation:  (name of the responsible personemail).

By signing the consent box in the registration/questionnaire form or the Data Privacy statement, you agree to your personal data with regards to knowledge on the implementation of environmental policies in your country being used in this survey, however any personal information will only be available to the survey holder and the results will be publicized anonymously, with the only reference to the workshop and the questionnaire be with regards to country representation.

  1. COSTS – Your participation in this study does not entail any additional costs for you, but it also offers no financial benefits.

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation EU/2016/679 (GDPR, April 27, 2016), your privacy will be respected.

If you consent to participate in this study, we will process your data in accordance with the purpose of the study. This processing of data is provided by law on the basis of Article 6, alin. (1), (a) of the General Data Protection Regulation.

All electronic data will be stored on a password-protected USB stick, located in a locked room accessible only to the researchers and their assistants. All personal data collected during the implementation of this workshop will be deleted at the latest 5 years after the end of the “TREC” project.