The Land Sea Interaction (LSI) team conducts sampling across a transect from sea to coast to inland covering about 200 meters in length. The team travels with a pickup car and a mobile lab van. Four stops are selected across the transect and samples are collected from each stop. In every stop of the transect, rich metadata are documented, which includes land use and management, pH, luminosity, vegetation, conductivity, and moisture levels among others. In every stop, an aerosol filtering machine is installed with a tripod. At shallow waters at the beach water is collected and then filtered immediately at the mobile lab in the van using three electric pumps. At the beach, 3 samples of superficial sediments are collected across a horizontal 40 meter line. Each sediment sample has 3 different cores collected as a triangle. The superficial sediment samples will be analysed for integrative omics, organic carbon, chlorophyll, pollutants, metals, xenobiotics and others. The remaining 3 stops of the transect are for top soil and plant samples. Leafs from the five most common plants are sampled for metabolomics, each plant is sampled twice; one sample is frozen and one is dried. Three top soil samples are collected in each stop of the transect and along a 40 meter vertical path on the transect. Each top soil sample has 5 cores which are mixed together. Integrative omics analyses will be carried out in these samples along with physical and chemical properties.
Tara schooner team is also collecting samples at the same time with the LSI team in selected locations. Tara is collecting coastal and offshore water columns samples and aerosol samples for integrative omics. All these samples together are about to be integrated to have a holistic understanding of the complex interface of land and sea in coastal ecosystems.
Tara and LSI Sampling
At Psatha -
Tara and LSI Sampling
at Faneromeni - Salamina -
LSI Sampling
at Agios Nikolaos -
Tara Sampling
at HCMR - Visit EMBL Mobile Labs
Tara and LSI Sampling
at Marina Thoriko
Tara and LSI Sampling at Psatha

Land sea interaction TREC sampling team went at Psatha beach on 2nd of July. Psatha is a coastal marsh on the east side of the Corinthian Gulf. The sampling transect was on the south part of the marsh, from the beach until the hillside. Soil was collected for multiple analyses and sea water and air were filtered. Simultaneously the TARA scientific schooner was sampling at the gulf.

Tara Sampling at Faneromeni - Salamina

The second stop of the LSI team of TREC was at Salamina island. Near the Monastery of Panagia Faneromeni at the north west side of the island the team designed a transect from the beach until the 50m of altitude in the pine forest. Four distinct stops were marked and soil samples were retrieved along with air filters and sea water. Tara scientific schooner was sampling at the Gulf of Elefsina at the same time.

Tara Sampling at Agios Nikolaos

Tara Sampling at HCMR
6/7/2024 - 9/7/2024

Visit EMBL Labs

Tara and LSI Sampling at Marina Thoriko